public interface HeadPlacer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    placeHead(@NonNull Head head, @NonNull org.bukkit.Location location, @NonNull org.bukkit.block.BlockFace rotation)
    Place a Head at a certain Location in the world, with a certain rotation
    placeHead(@NonNull org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack headItemStack, @NonNull org.bukkit.Location location, @NonNull org.bukkit.block.BlockFace rotation)
    Place a head ItemStack at a certain Location in the world, with a certain rotation
    placeWallHead(@NonNull Head head, @NonNull org.bukkit.Location location, @NonNull org.bukkit.block.BlockFace facing)
    Place a Head at a certain Location in the world as wall head, with a certain facing direction
    placeWallHead(@NonNull org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack wallHeadItemStack, @NonNull org.bukkit.Location location, @NonNull org.bukkit.block.BlockFace facing)
    Place a wall head ItemStack at a certain Location in the world, with a certain facing direction
  • Method Details

    • placeHead

      void placeHead(@NonNull @NonNull org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack headItemStack, @NonNull @NonNull org.bukkit.Location location, @NonNull @NonNull org.bukkit.block.BlockFace rotation)
      Place a head ItemStack at a certain Location in the world, with a certain rotation
      headItemStack - the head itemstack to place in the world
      location - the location where to place the head
      rotation - the rotation of the head
    • placeHead

      void placeHead(@NonNull @NonNull Head head, @NonNull @NonNull org.bukkit.Location location, @NonNull @NonNull org.bukkit.block.BlockFace rotation)
      Place a Head at a certain Location in the world, with a certain rotation
      head - the head to place in the world
      location - the location where to place the head
      rotation - the rotation of the head
    • placeWallHead

      void placeWallHead(@NonNull @NonNull org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack wallHeadItemStack, @NonNull @NonNull org.bukkit.Location location, @NonNull @NonNull org.bukkit.block.BlockFace facing)
      Place a wall head ItemStack at a certain Location in the world, with a certain facing direction
      wallHeadItemStack - the wall head itemstack to place in the world
      location - the location where to place the wall head
      facing - the facing direction of the wall head
    • placeWallHead

      void placeWallHead(@NonNull @NonNull Head head, @NonNull @NonNull org.bukkit.Location location, @NonNull @NonNull org.bukkit.block.BlockFace facing)
      Place a Head at a certain Location in the world as wall head, with a certain facing direction
      head - the head to place in the world
      location - the location where to place the wall head
      facing - the facing direction of the wall head